Welcome! We are happy that you have found this website that is dedicated to provide Scripture-based materials in the Oniyan language. (Oniyan has also been known by the names Bassari, Basari, and Tenda, but speakers of the language themselves call it Oniyan).
Nothing can be more important for us than to know God and what His will is. That is why all that has been placed at this site has been taken from The Bible. God’s word gives us valuable instruction on how to know Him, how to live our lives today, and to prepare us for the hereafter.
Here you will find resources to listen to and biblical texts to read. We have made available audio recordings of Scriptures and songs based on Scriptures. A number of Bible portions are also available to read and download. All of it is free to use and share with others.
As more materials are completed they will be added to this site. We may eventually have video resources, too. Please come back regularly to check on the progress. You can read, listen, or download materials for free to a computer, USB drive, or a mobile phone. May you be enriched through these resources and be taught by God.
Grace and peace be with you.